Steve A.
New York, NY
Heart attack:
could happ
to me.
A heart attack at S
h e a r t :
“ I h a d b e e n f e e lin g f in e . B u t t u r n s o u t m y c h o le s t e r o l a n d o t h e r r is k
fa c t o r s * in c r e a s e d m y c h a n c e o f a h e a r t a t t a c k . N o w I t r u s t m y h e a r t to L ip it o r .
T a lk to y o u r d o c t o r a b o u t y o u r r is k a n d a b o u t L ip it o r .”
A d d in g L ip ito r m ay help, w h e n d ie t and exercise are n o t enough. U n lik e some o th e r
c h o le s te ro l-lo w e rin g m edication s, L ip ito r is FD A -approved to reduce th e ris k o f h e a rt
a tta ck and stroke in patients w ith several com m on ris k factors, in c lu d in g fa m ily h isto ry,
h ig h b lo o d pressure, lo w g o o d ch o le ste ro l, age and sm oking.
L ip ito r has been extensively stu d ie d w ith over 16 years o f research. A n d L ip ito r is
backed b y 400 o n g o in g o r co m p le te d c lin ic a l studies.
*Patient’s risk factors include age, gender, smoking, and high blood pressure.
drug. It is used in patients with multiple risk factors for
heart disease such as family history, high blood pressure,
age, low HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) or smoking to reduce
the risk of heart attack, stroke and certain kinds of heart
surgeries. When diet and exercise alone are not enough,
LIPITOR is used along with a low-fat diet and exercise
to lower cholesterol.
LIPITOR is not for everyone. It is not for those with
liver problems. And it is not for women who are nursing,
pregnant or may become pregnant. If you take LIPITOR,
tell your doctor if you feel any new muscle pain or weakness.
This could be a sign of rare but serious muscle side
effects. Tell your doctor about all medications you
take.This may help avoid serious drug interactions.
Your doctor should do blood tests to check your liver
function before and during treatment and may adjust
your dose. The most common side effects are gas,
constipation, stomach pain and heartburn. They tend
to be mild and often go away.
LIPITOR is one of many cholesterol-lowering treatment
options that you and your doctor can consider.
Please see additional important information on next page.
a t o r v a s t a t in c a l c i u m
a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. And about Lipitor.
C a ll
-L IP IT O R (
) or visit w w w /steve
You are encouraged to report negative side ffectsfprescription drugs to the FDA.
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